Notice of Privacy Practices
This notice describes how information about you as a patient of this practice may be used and disclosed and how to access your health information. This is required by the Privacy Regulation created as a result of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
Our Practice is dedicated to maintaining the privacy of your health information. We are required by law to maintain the confidentiality of your health information. We realize that these laws are complicated, but we must provide you with the following important information.
The following circumstances may require us to use or disclose your health information:
To provide treatment: We will use your health information to provide you with the best health care possible. This may include administrative and clinical office procedures to schedule and coordinate your care between medical providers, technicians, nurses, business office staff, pathology laboratories, pharmacies or other health care personnel providing your treatment. It may be necessary to release your test results to a health care provider even when the provider requesting the results did not originally order the tests.
To obtain payment: We may include your health information with an invoice used to collect payment for treatment you received in our office. We may include your health information with insurance forms filed for you by mail or sent electronically. We will make every attempt to work only with companies with similar commitment to the security of your health information.
To conduct health care operations: Your health information may be used during performance evaluations of our staff, during audits by insurance companies or government appointed agencies as part of their quality assurance and compliance reviews. Your health information may be reviewed during the routine processes of certification, licensing or credentialing activities.
Communications: Because we believe regular follow up is very important to your health, we may remind you of a scheduled appointment or that it is time for you to contact us to make an appointment. These communications may include postcards, letters and telephone reminders. We may share your health information with those you tell us will be helping you with your home treatment, medications or payment. You can request that our practice communicate with you about your health and related issues in a particular manner or at a certain location. For instance, you may request that we contact you at home rather that at work. We will try to accommodate reasonable requests
Required by law: We may disclose your health information to public health authorities and health oversight agencies that are authorized by law to collect information when required to do so by a law enforcement official, lawsuits and similar proceedings in response to a court or administrative order when necessary to reduce or prevent a serious threat to your health and safety or the health and safety of another individual or the public for Workers Compensation and similar programs.
Our patient medical records are kept confidential, secure, and out of reach by unauthorized persons. All reports, consultation and correspondence are reviewed by the physician prior to being filed in the medical records. A written release signed and dated by patient/guardian must be obtained prior to the release of medical record information.
You are entitled to receive a copy of this Notice of Privacy Practices.
Access to Internet
Center for Excellence in Dermatology does not screen or restrict access to any content placed on or accessible through the Internet. Center for Excellence in Dermatology also does not screen or restrict communications between parties via the Internet. You acknowledge that if you access the Internet you may receive or be exposed to content, goods or services which you consider to be improper, inaccurate, misleading, defamatory, obscene or otherwise offensive. You agree that Center for Excellence in Dermatology is not liable for any action or inaction with respect to any such content on the Internet accessible through the Wi-Fi System.
Your Responsibilities
You must (1) provide all equipment (including computer hardware and software, personal digital assistants, wireless network cards, etc.) to connect to the Wi-Fi System, (2) comply with local, state, federal and international laws and regulations, including but not limited to copyright and intellectual property rights laws. You agree to be responsible for and to bear all risk and consequences for (1) the accuracy, completeness, reliability and/or usefulness of any content available through the Wi-Fi System and (2) all communications that you send or receive via the Wi-Fi System. Center for Excellence in Dermatology does not undertake the security of any data you send through the Wi-Fi System and it is your responsibility to secure such data.
Acceptable Use Policy
All users of the Wi-Fi System must comply with this Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). This AUP is intended to prevent unacceptable uses of the internet. Center for Excellence in Dermatology does not actively monitor the use of the Wi-Fi System under normal circumstances. Similarly we do not exercise editorial control or review the content of any Web site, electronic mail transmission, newsgroup or other material created or accessible over or through the Wi-Fi System. However, we may remove, block, filter or restrict by any other means any materials that, in our sole discretion, may be illegal, may subject Center for Excellence in Dermatology to liability or may violate this AUP. Center for Excellence in Dermatology may cooperate with legal authorities and/or third parties in the investigation of any suspected or alleged crime or civil wrong. Violation of this AUP may result in the suspension or termination of your access to the Wi-Fi System.